Saturday, 9 November 2013



So as you can probably work out from the title, I've been nominated for the sunshine award by the love Asia Walker which I am chuffed about.

Here are the rules: 
- Share 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions set by your nominating blogger
- Nominate 11 bloggers yourself 
- Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer
- Go and let them know that you've nominated them!!

11 Facts About Me: 
1.  My idea of a good night is not going out and partying,instead stalking Instagram,blogger ect
2. I'm half English half Jamaican
3. I live in England
4. I obsess over Justin Bieber 
5.  I'm 5'2" :(
6. I love cats
7. Weird obsession with Hollyoaks since the age of 7. I get so excited over it oops
8. I love to dance & sing 
9. Autumn is my favourite season.
10. Plum/black lipsticks are the best
11. I'm really stuck on this one soz

11 questions from Asia:

1. Who is your Celebrity inspiration why?
Justin Bieber, not just because I love him ever so dearly but because of all the hate he gets, it's bad enough having one person but thousands?? That must be tough. Also how he transformed from having nothing, to having it all with his own hard work. Ahh love him
2. Favourite food?
Hot dogs&pizza omG (oops I meant salad and fruit mm my fave guys!).

3. Current beauty obsession?
Any type of eyeliner it's just a must it's my oxygen - I need it to live.

4. Favourite high street store?

5. Do you prefer to go out or stay in?
Stay in if it's cold but in when it's cold. Makes sense really 

6. Showers or baths?

7. Favourite takeaway??
Pizza omg

8. Celebrity crush?

9. What is an inspirational quote that means something to you?
Hard work beats talent when tAlent fails to work hard. Just because you're not born skilled and some are doesn't mean you shouldn't try, if you work a bit harder you will succeed.

10. What kinds of movies do you like?
The romantic ones. Or, JUSTIN BIEBER

11. Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
Anywhere really hot

People I nominate ( I'll leave a comment on your blog letting you know).

My questions for you:

1) what makes you unique?
2) who's your celeb crush?
3) favourite season and why?
4) beauty product essential?
5) favourite outfit?
6) if you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
7) favourite shop?
8) best place to go and why?
9) what do you hope to get out of blogging?
10) where In the world do you live?
11) foundation or mascara?


  1. Hey sweetie!
    May I know how you create your blog header?The size fits well with your blog and I'm still having this problem with my blog.
    Hope to know from you.

  2. awesome post
    wanna follow each other via gfc and bloglovin

  3. congrats! :)
